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Return to Ritual
Three churches find new meaning in old ways.
One-Stop Shopping
Our once-a-year buying plan started of necessity. But it paid off big time!
Making Our Own Way
Our childhood Christmas traditions didn't work for us. But why was finding new ones so difficult?
Crafty Leadership
Some of what I've learned in a decade at Leadership.
'Con Man' Confab
Weekly readers react to James Wcaptioners's celestial conspiracy theory.
Preaching to the Holiday-Only Worship Attenders
Why pull out all the stops for people who attend once a year?
Preaching by Faith and by Sight
How churches—and pastors—are adapting to the visual revolution.
Preaching by Faith and by Sight
How churches are adapting to the visual revolution.
Leader's Insight: A Broad and Diverse Bloc
New research shows five kinds of Christians in America.
Support Strong for Danger Zone Missions
Despite kidnappings, active U.S. Christians still encourage mission trips to embattled nations.
Group Effort
Four approaches to congregational evangelism.
Finding the Grace Gates
How "lead worshiper" Joseph Garlington helps people recognize holy moments and encounter God.
New Ownership
Missional is more than a trend as today's Christians recover an old calling.
Leader's Insight: Who Will Save Thanksgiving?
This Holy Day is trampled in the Christmas rush.
Shifting Family Values
The ties that bind feel looser at church and tighter at the parsonage.
Leader's Insight: Is Ministry Leadership Different?
Andy Stanley and Jim Collins in an unexpected point-counterpoint.
Restoring Fallen Pastors
The road back to ministry after a moral lapse—whether physical or virtua—is long and difficult. How can the restoration process be improved?
Leader's Insight: Leadership in Crisis
Lessons for leaders from Hurricane Katrina.
Effective Introductions
An interview with Leadership managing editor Eric Reed
Uncovering My Church's Ku Klux Klan Connections
Our congregation had no future without repenting of our past.